Terri Perpich's Art Studio


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News, Exhibitions, Reviews & Awards

Terri Perpich is a painter, printmaker, photographer & mixed media artist & has received numerous awards.   She has operated her art studio business for 30 years & has participated in regional, national, and international juried exhibitions. Scroll down for news, a selection of recent exhibitions, reviews, awards, publications and memberships.

2011 Exhibitions:

Terri Perpich is exhibiting paintings, prints and sculptures in the following exhibitions:
2011 Hoyt Regional juried by Barbara Jones, Chief Curator of the Westmoreland Museum of American Art in Greensburg ~ 2011 Pittsburgh Print Group "Metaphor for Memory" at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts juried by Lenore Thomas ~
2011 "Ladies Choice" Women in Art Exhibition at Artform Gallery in Lower Burrell ~ See "Ladies Choice" article in the Valley News Dispatch

2010 Exhibitions:

Terri Perpich received BEST OF SHOW for her painting, "ROSE", in the 2010 HOYT MID ATLANTIC juried by Paola Morsiani, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art~. Hoyt Institute of Fine Art

In Southwestern Pennsylvania Council for the Arts 2010 15th Annual, she received a Juror's Award for "Last September" at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art.

3 of Terri's sculptures were accepted in the 2010 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art Biennial ~ November 19 - February 19, 2011 www.sama-art.org

One of her monotypes is in the 2010 National Monotype/Monoprint Exhibition juried by Joann Moser, Senior Curator of Graphic Arts at the Smithsonian American Art Museum ~ September 26 - January 2, 2011~ at the Fitchburg Art Museum in New England

A National call went out for Printmakers to be included  in the 2010 book, "PRINTMAKERS TODAY"... 6 of Terri Perpich's prints were chosen  (Schiffer Publishing and Editor, Jeffrey Snyder) www.schifferbooks.com

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts with Associated Artists of Pittsburgh 2010 Exhibition, "INTERPLAY", juried by Eric Shiner, Curator at the Andy Warhol Museum

2010 National Catholic Art Exhibition juried by Sister Wendy Beckett, acclaimed Art Historian on BBC ~ at St. Vincent College Gallery

2010 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh at Art Institute of Pittsburgh

2010 Hoyt Institute of Fine Art Regional Juried Exhibition 

Selected Exhibitions

2009, Hoyt Institute of Fine Art Member Exhibition

2009, Pittsburgh Print Group at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts

2009, Sweetwater Center for the Arts , "First Fruit"

2009, Panza Gallery “Fission of Form” with Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors

2009, Hoyt Institute of Fine Art Regional

2009 Seton Hill University, “Women in Art”

2009 Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, “International ~ Transformation Exhibition”

2008 Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild, Pittsburgh, PA; “National/Open Society of Sculpture-Space and Place” with Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors

2009, 2008 & 2007 Pennsylvania State University Robeson Gallery, University Park, PA; Group Shows; “Images 2009, 2008 & 2007”

2008 & 2207 Southern Alleghenies Museums of Art, Altoona & Ligonier, PA; Group Shows; “Art In Common” / “12th Annual”

2008 Third Street Gallery, International Pittsburgh Watercolor Society "Aqueous"

2007 Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, “International Watercolor/ PWS Aqueous”

2007 Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, New Castle, PA; Group Show; “Hoyt Mid Atlantic”

2007 Brew House, Pittsburgh, PA; Fiberarts Guild Group Show; “Vessels”

2006 Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, PA; Associated Artists Group Show; “Drawing”

2005 Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA; “Associated Artists 95th Annual”

2004 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; “Associated Artists 94th Annual”

2004 Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA; Group Show; “Sprout AMG 12”x12”


Selected Reviews

Kurt Shaw, “Associated Artists 95th Annual”, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh Tribune Review,
"Both Zets and Sonnenberg's are perfect examples of works that are socially and  emotionally charged. Likewise, in the second of the three galleries...Terri Perpich's "The Power of Images" is sure to conjure up bitter memories and personal viewpoints of the recent Terry Schiavo case....These works prove the exhibition's saving grace. They show area that artists are more tapped into the larger moment..."

Mary Thomas, “Associated Artists 95th Annual”, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh Post Gazette,
"Associated Artists' 95th Annual admirable and provocative" ~ "Shawn Quinlan exhibits "Jesus Get Your Gun," which some viewers will find offensive, along with Terri Perpich's "The Power of Images," a bravado work that seems to reference the Terry Schiavo ordeal..."

Dr. Terry Smith, Juror’s statement, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Annual at the Andy Warhol Museum, May 2005, on award winning painting “Power of Images
“the greatest medium in western art, painting in oils or more recently acrylics, has been in trouble for some years now.
  Powerful practitioners are rare anywhere…Terri Perpich’s  “the Power of Images” comments on the media frenzy around the case of Terri Schiavo, a brain dead woman whose dying became a political football in 2005”

Mary Thomas, “Transformation ~ International Exhibition” at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 2009
"...Terri Perpich's poignant (sculpture) "Degeneration" speaks to her father's battle with Alzheimer's..." 

Kurt Shaw, “Associated Artists of Pittsburgh New Member Exhibition”, Pittsburgh Tribune Review 2004
And speaking of themes, if any one particular theme seems to rise above the rest in this show, it is works of a spiritual nature. That is more than evident in such profoundly moving paintings as Ray Forquer's "Sojourner," which is a highly detailed portrait of an African king, and Terri Perpich's "The Green Velvet Cape," a painting of a not so stereotypical angel. Although Perpich is more direct than most in addressing the spiritual side, she still is not as bold as Shawn Quinlan, whose quilt "Who would Jesus bomb?" is sure to raise some eyebrows. "

Dianna Jannetta, Pittsburgh WQED fm 89.3, Bayer Arts Magazine~ Associated Artists of Pittsburgh New Member Show at the Pitt Frick, 2004
"...An antidote to our troubled world is "the Green Velvet Cape" by Terri Perpich.  It is a portrait of an angel with a gaze so riveting that ones soul feels transparent...on the canvas is written, ever so lightly, ' Forget no to show love to strangers ~ For some have entertained angels unaware.'

Kurt Shaw, “Studio K Group Show”, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 2003
"Ken Beer, who along with his wife, Terri Perpich, organized the exhibition....although both are members of Associated Artists, they created this exhibition independent of that organization...this show offers a solid sampling of works by a large number of Pittsburgh area artists and is well worth seeking out for that reason."

Rex Rutkoski, Valley News Dispatch, "Valley artists exhibit their talents" 2005
"Terri Perpich advises her art students to carefully choose what and why they create, because the results will be communicated to others...Perpich, whose studio (business) is in Natrona Heights, Harrison, says she likes to draw and paint realistically, but notices that her style changes with the mood of her subjects or how she feels about them. 'I am less interested in capturing an exact likeness now, and want to get at the personality or character of the people I portray,' she explains."

Kurt Shaw, “Month, Day, Year ~ Pittsburgh Society of Artists”, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh Tribune Review
"Terri Perpich's print 'Journey' covers all the bases..." 

Mary Thomas, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Member Show 2005 at the Hoyt Institute of Fine Art"...while Terri Perpich's adept black and white monotype "Moonstruck Meal" suggests something more somber than pleasurable."

 Kurt Shaw, “International PWS Aqueous”, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, December, 2007
“Watercolor exhibit is anything but wishy washy…Not that the exhibition contains a lot of portraiture, but it is worth mentioning one more piece that is sure to capture attention. “Rose, White and Very Blue” by Vandergrift artist, Terri Perpich, is another emotionally charged piece.
  A relatively simple arrangement, painted in light washes of black, blue and magenta, this portrait is pure emotion painted with an economy of means….Perpich has managed to treat her subject with supreme delicacy, conveying an equal amount of empathy and sympathy, something that is equally unmatched…”           

Mary Thomas, “Associated Artists of Pittsburgh- Drawing”, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, March, 2006
“Drawing” is the title of a sprightly exhibition by the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts…Particularly noteworthy are Kenneth Beer’s flowing “Incubus,” and Terri Perpich’s realist “G.K. in the Garden”…

Kurt Shaw, "Witticisms / Criticisms / Cynicisms" at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 2004"...among the 40 fine art prints on display in this exhibition sponsored by the Pittsburgh Print Group, visitors will find controversial works such as Terri Perpich's montype "Moonstruck Meal," which features an obese woman snacking in front of a fridge..."

Mary Thomas, “Prints- Witticisms/Criticisms/Cynicisms”, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, March, 2004
" Also at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, the Pittsburgh Print Group breaks new ground in subject matter....giving an edge to the exhibition are such works as Terri Perpich's politically incorrect obese woman of "Moonstruck Meal"

Pittsburgh City Paper, Janera Solomon, 2005 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Annual at the Warhol Museum,
Social Commentary continues with a variety of painted works...Terri Perpich's , "the Power of Images" critiques American consumption of the Terri Schiavo case..."

 Kurt Shaw, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, "The Revolving Stellar Group show" at Studio K, 2004
In addition to (deceased artists) Davis' and Pershing's works, there are several works by prominent artists who are very much alive. They include printmaker Terri Perpich, who depicts a couple embracing in a delicate monotype titled "By the Tree"


Selected Awards

Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, SPCA"s 2010 15th Annual ~ Juror's Award for "Last September"

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, 2010 HOYT MID ATLANTIC, BEST OF SHOW for "Rose"

Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art , "Art in Common", Award for "Rose White and Very Blue"

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, Regional, Award for "Rose White and Very Blue"

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, “Transformation~ International” “Transitio” painting

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, “Aqueous International” Award for “Rose” watercolor

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, Regional ~ Award for “By The Tree” Oil Monotype Print

Associated Artists 95th Annual at the Warhol Museum ~ Award for “Power Of Images”

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh ~ Drawing Exhibition ~ Juror’s Award for “Untitled”

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, “Tryst with Glass” Exhibition~ Award for “Strokes”

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art Mid Atlantic, "Henry at the Door" 2nd Place

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art, Regional "Edith Waving Goodbye", Juror's Award

Art Institute of Pittsburgh “Print Group Exhibition” ~ Award for “Blue Girl” Monotype

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts “PSA Exhibition” ~ Juror’s Award “Journey” Monoprint

Pittsburgh Print Group Exhibition~ 3rd Place Award for “Faith” soft ground etching

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, "Month, Day, Year" award for monoprint "Journey"

 "Encounters" Pittsburgh Center for the Arts - juror's award for monotype print

Seton Hill University, "Women in Art" award for "Interior, Exterior"

Greensburg Courthouse, "History Through Art" award for "Coal Mine"

Saxonburg Festival of The Arts, award for "Henry at the Door"



Catalog ~ 2008 National Open Exhibition "Space and Place" Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors at Manchester Craftmen's Guild

 Catalog ~ 2009 "Fission of Form" Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors, Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators, and Pittsburgh Poets at Panza Gallery

 2010 ~ Book ~ PRINTMAKERS TODAY ~ 6 prints featured ~


Artist Member of

American Society of Portrait Artists

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors

Pittsburgh Print Group

Hoyt Institute of Fine Art


Terri Perpich has judged regional art exhibitions.  She is a speaker for “Careers in Art” and offers demonstrations in drawing, printmaking, cartooning and mixed media.

Contact her at terri@terriperpich.com for more information.